In Season Right Now


artichoke, arugula, asparagus, corn, cucumber, fava beans, kohlrabi, peas, radishes, rhubarb, spinach, zucchini

apricots, cherries, grapefruit, lemons, limes, passion fruit, pineapple, plums, strawberries

duck, lamb


List from Eat The Seasons, North America , a quick way to check in on what's in season, with tips on storing and preparing(not to mention recipes!).  It updates regularly.  Another great resource is How to Pick a Peach: The Search for Flavor from Farm to Table by Russ Parsons.  Check out the side links, too!

Why eat seasonal?

1) This is what our ancestors did. Up until very recently in the course of history, foods weren't available year-round, and so when a particular item was abundant, it was enjoyed and savored, rather then taken for granted. 

2) It encourages you to include both a greater volume and more diversity in the produce you consume, not to mention tasting better!  When farmers choose crops to not spoil when they're shipped long distances, flavor looses out.  

3) It's healthier; eating seasonally makes it easier to eat locally grown food, which means that chances are your food will be fresher, therefore more nutritious, and less likely to be covered in the more creepy chemicals used to keep food good until it gets to the store. 
Category: 2 comments


~~louise~~ said...

GREAT list!!! I wasn't aware that mackerel was in season. I'll be checking out the food store this week for it!!!

I just bought fresh strawberries from a local stand and boy oh boy are they simply delectable!!!

Thanks for sharing, Jesse...

J.W. said...

You're very welcome Louise! I only found out that meat and seafood had seasons recently, myself! Something we don't really think about in the era of refridgeration, eh?

I agree, too...nothing like local strawberries! When we lived in CA, I struck up a conversation with someone and found out that growers actually raise different hybrids for local selling: the ones that are going to be shipped long-distance have been bred to be big, red(even if not yet ripe), and have a large cellular structure to take rattling around in a crate. Going to a local stand and looking for small, fragrant berries leads to much tastier results!

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